We are looking for: different fruit varieties like apples, pears, sweet cherries etc. regional and seasonal from national and international breeders.

What are we searching for?

We direct marketers pay more attention to intrinsic values like taste, juiciness and crispness when choosing a new apple variety. Our choice of varieties is not based on the interests of individual licensees or marketing concepts, but we are directly guided by the wishes and opinions of the consumer.

We are looking for apple varieties that are exclusively available to direct marketers with direct farm sales and weekly farmers´ market. These should not be available in supermarket chains - because we want to keep and further develop our customer loyalty and exclusivity for our customers.

How do we search?

Through direct contact with breeders, breeding organizations, both nationally and internationally, we have a good overview of current new varieties. We therefore look for apple varieties that, according to independent international cultivation experts, are ideally suited for direct marketers because of their characteristics.

If we decide for a new variety, we plant it at several locations with direct marketers and test these new varieties together with consumers. This allows us to identify rapidly a market potential for a new variety.


The following aspects for a new variety are particularly important for direct marketers:

(From the analysis of a direct marketer in order).

1. taste

2. juiciness

3. crunchiness

4. firmness

5. appearance

When selecting a variety, the opinion of the consumer is particularly important to us. With the help of tastings in the farm store, the market potential of a variety can be determined in a short time.

Additional variety characteristics can also play an important role in marketing:

1. allergen potential

2. shelf life

From a production perspective, a new variety can also have many advantages:

1. resistance to diseases

2. more uniform production (alternance)


Kundenstimmen ...

Roland S-H.


Der Endverbraucher, also unser Kunde, steht bei neuen Sorten immer im Mittelpunkt.

Georg B.


Wir brauchen neue Sorten in der Ab Hof Vermarktung, die sich von der Masse abheben.

Gunter R.


Ich finde es super was ihr macht - das ist weltweit einzigartig!

Claudia R.


Es ist wichtig, unabhängig von Züchtern Sorten auszusuchen. So bleibt man erfolgreich!

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