

... the Exklusive Hofsorten GmbH has acquired the
exclusive cultivation and marketing license for the farmgate sales of the SnapDragon® NY1 cv within Germany.

SnapDragon® - the super apple with the taste experience: crunchy, juicy-fresh, sweet, fruity, spicy, slightly vanilla

Taste the flavor experience

crunchy, juicy-fresh, sweet, fruity

Experience the aroma

spice, lightly vanilla


hear the unmistakable crunch


Our experience

More than 500 consumers have already tried SnapDragon® in our farmgate sales. Over 50% of the testing people wanted to buy Snap Dragon® and actively asked for it.
The Monster Crunch is unique!

We, Exklusive Hofsorten GmbH, have acquired the exclusive marketing and cultivation rights for the farmgate sales of SnapDragon® brand in Germany.


SnapDragon® was successfully launched to growers in the State of New York within the U.S. in 2011. The marketing
concept is modern - eye-catching and perfectly suits the young target group who love a particularly crunchy, juicy - sweet apple.

Taste the flavor experience

crunchy, juicy-fresh, sweet, fruity

Experience the aroma

spice, lightly vanilla


hear the unmistakable crunch

Parents: Honeycrisp x NY752

Breeder: Cornell University, USA, in 1998

Taste: crunchy, juicy, sweet, aromatic of vanilla

Tree: low-growing

Harvest: 3rd week of September (location Cologne/Bonn); Picking recommended

Shelf life: in ULO until spring, Smartfresh™ possible

Fruit: High percentage of opaque color, homogeneous, smooth, no russeting

Diseases: low mildew susceptibility observed, comparable to Golden Delicious, Experience shows resistance to scab so far.


The Exklusive Hofsorten GmbH are YOUR contact for SnapDragon®. Exklusive Hofsorten GmbH has the exclusive cultivation and marketing license in Germany for the farm gate sales. From autumn 2021, the first SnapDragon® trees will be available to farmgate sales.

The acquisition of the exclusive marketing and cultivation rights by Exklusive Hofsorten GmbH gives the direct marketers the opportunity to grow SnapDragon® and to sell the fruits.

We look forward to your interest in SnapDragon®!

Please send us an email to:


Georg Boekels

After several years of testing in our orchards, we have found no damage from frost or sunburn. SnapDragon®
is a regular strong bloomer, but also thins itself.
We have already made very good results after ULO removal also with SmartFresh™. I was convinced by the apple as it stores very well and thus contributes to a long sales period.

Manfred Felten

Our growing experience shows that we can produce very homogeneous smooth fruit with SnapDragon®.
The tree is easy to raise and cultivate. SnapDragon®
is a medium sized fruit, with smooth skin, similar
ripening time as Jonagold. 80-90% pack-out.
The apple tastes right off the tree.

Roland Schmitz-Hübsch

By tasting with customers in our farm-gate marketing, we can quickly determine the market value of a new variety. Over 500 tasting results from customers in our farm gate sales show that SnapDragon® is particularly well received by young customers and young families.
A very important and interesting target group! Over 50% of customers wanted to buy SnapDragon®. Customers are convinced by the unique crunchiness of the apple.
A very juicy, sweet, slightly aromatic apple.

Herbert Knuppen

A close and constructive cooperation with the American licensor PVM was agreed with Exklusive Hofsorten GmbH. The brand logo was adopted unchanged from the
American US brand. SnapDragon® is a completely
developed brand with years of cultivation and marketing experience.

Sophie Horstink

Even if your farm gate sales is not in Germany, we look forward to your interest in SnapDragon® and without obligation.

Please send us an email to:


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Our list of varieties is constantly growing.


Kundenstimmen ...

Roland S-H.


Der Endverbraucher, also unser Kunde, steht bei neuen Sorten immer im Mittelpunkt.

Georg B.


Wir brauchen neue Sorten in der Ab Hof Vermarktung, die sich von der Masse abheben.

Gunter R.


Ich finde es super was ihr macht - das ist weltweit einzigartig!

Claudia R.


Es ist wichtig, unabhängig von Züchtern Sorten auszusuchen. So bleibt man erfolgreich!

Jetzt exklusive Hofsorten sichern für eine reiche Ernte!

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